Eco-friendly lifting charge making machine

Eco-friendly lifting charge making machine
The lifting charge, minus the sulfur, is Eco-friendly as well. It contains no materials that are sensitive such as a single base powder or whistling powder.
The sensitivity of impact or friction zero.
The manufacturing process is quite simple and safe. The average worker can produce around 300 kilos of powder in 8 hours.
It is also Eco-friendly due to the fact that it will produce 60% less smoke than normal black powder because of the absence of producing sulfur dioxide while burning because it contains NO sulfur inside so it creates absolutely no pollution to harm the environment or humans.
This process will lower the factory cost of production of fireworks by 50% due to only having to use 1/3 of the black powder than before to manufacture it.
In regards to transportation, it is quite safe because it does not contain any sensitive chemicals.

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